
Principles Relating to the Processing of Personal Data in ISOTRA a. s.

ISOTRA a. s., ID No.: 47679191, registered office: Bílovecká 2411/1, Předměstí, CZ-74601 Opava, Czech Republic, entered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Regional Court in Ostrava, under reference B/3169 (hereinafter “ISOTRA”), hereby declares that it always processes data subjects’ personal data in accordance with principles specified below that are based on Art. 5 of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinafter “GDPR”):

Exercise of Data Subjects’ Rights with ISOTRA

Data subjects shall have the following rights, as specified in Art. 15 through 22 GDPR, in relation to the processing by ISOTRA of their personal data:

The above rights must always be exercised with the personal data controller, which means that said rights cannot be exercised against ISOTRA in cases where ISOTRA is only a data processor for the specific purpose of processing.

The above rights shall be exercised by the data subject with ISOTRA in a written, paper form with an officially verified signature, sent to the address: Bílovecká 2411/1, Předměstí, CZ-74601 Opava, Czech Republic; or in electronic form by an electronic message with a recognised electronic signature, sent to the e-mail address specified at; or by means of a data box ID: 8wiemb6.

ISOTRA hereby informs the data subjects that they are entitled to lodge a complaint with the Office for Personal Data Protection under conditions specified in Art. 77 GDPR, if they consider that the processing by ISOTRA of personal data relating to them infringes GDPR.

ISOTRA hereby informs the data subjects that they are entitled, under conditions specified in Art. 79 GDPR, to an effective judicial remedy, if they consider that their rights have been infringed as a result of the processing by ISOTRA of their personal data in non-compliance with GDPR.

Fulfilling of reporting obligations pursuant to art. 13 GDPR (pdf)